Video: Mom Goes Viral with Foolproof Trick to Stop Baby from Crying in the Car

Video: Mom Goes Viral with Foolproof Trick to Stop Baby from Crying in the Car. Photo and video: Tiktok @pumpedupmama1Video: Mom Goes Viral with Foolproof Trick to Stop Baby from Crying in the Car. Photo and video: Tiktok @pumpedupmama1

A mom entertained netizens with the trick she used to make her baby stop crying in the car, and it’s simply brilliant!

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Anyone who has never been through this doesn’t know how difficult it can be. You’re driving, probably somewhere you can’t stop, and a baby in the car seat behind you won’t stop crying. What to do?

Sing? Look in the mirror and try to talk to the child? Try to reach the baby’s leg with one arm and say it’s all right? Ask for help from the heavens? Some alternatives may or may not solve the problem.

But an American mother found the perfect solution to calm her child when he is in the car. Jacquie Ciccone shared her trick on social media, and her post on TikTok already has over 17 million views.

The video starts by showing Jacquie’s cute, chubby baby sitting in his car seat and clearly upset. The camera then shows the back of the seat in front of him, and attached to it is a color photo on A4 paper; in the image, the mother’s smiling face is looking into her child’s eyes.

Then the camera returns to the child, who is now grinning from ear to ear upon seeing his mother’s smiling face looking back at him. His joy is so immense that his eyes become tiny.

Netizens loved the trick and pointed out that it’s a brilliant way to calm babies who are very attached to their mothers: “Genius. I have a clingy baby, so I’ll do this,” said one person. “I wish I had thought of this, so many car rides with screaming,” lamented another.

Photo and video: Tiktok @pumpedupmama1. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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